Jessica Thorpe IBCLC

I'm an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and Registered Midwife offering home visits for feeding support and many aspects of postnatal care. I'm also a mum of two little girls, both of whom I breastfeed. I had one straightforward breastfeeding experience and one with challenges so I understand how it feels when things don’t go to plan. I have fed through pregnancy, and tandem fed my girls together so I have a diverse range of personal breastfeeding experiences myself!I'm based in Hampshire and am conveniently located in between the cities of Winchester and Southampton, making both easily accessible to me. I regularly travel to Fareham, Gosport, the New Forest and can cover Portsmouth, Hayling Island and the South West of Wiltshire. For more information or to book an appointment, please contact me.

My Services

Becoming a parent can be an overwhelming and exhausting time, whether it is your first, second or subsequent baby. When your dream of breast or chest feeding your baby don’t go to plan it can be devastating and there is a woeful lack of qualified and skilled support services available. Combined with poor advice and misinformation it can seem that reaching your breastfeeding goal is impossible.I'm passionate and very dedicated to helping both new and experienced mothers and parents to meet their feeding goals for their baby. Where this may not be possible, I aim to support the family sensitively to make new goals and achieve the best outcome possible for them.My services are listed below; please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need support or have any questions.

What happens at a Consultation?

I offer relaxed and unhurried home visits so there is no pressure on you to try and wake your baby up and feed in a hurry. We take as long as we need to work out your individual needs and improve breastfeeding for both you and your baby.We usually begin with an open conversation about your feeding journey so far, including the birth experience if you'd like to share. This allows me to gain valuable insights into your situation and address your concerns and challenges.I'll then observe a feed and suggest adjustments to improve your baby's latch as well as optimise your comfort during feeds. Together, we will practice different breastfeeding positions, enabling you to discover what works best for you. I believe that finding the position the fits your body shape best can significantly improve your breastfeeding experience.I'll also observe your baby's milk intake, and teach you how to recognise how much milk your baby is drinking yourself, improving your confidence regarding your baby's feeds. If there are any concerns regarding milk intake or your supply we will work together to develop a plan to address these. I can also help you with pumping if needed.I'll conduct a full oral assessment of your baby's tongue function. This is to help identify whether a referral to a tongue tie service is needed, which I will do. I can teach you exercises to use to help improve your baby's tongue function and teach you ways to help your baby take in more milk.My aim is always to work with you, to develop a plan that works for you and your family.

Home Visits

A consultation in your own home, providing relaxed and unhurried support for you after the birth of your baby. We'll have plenty of time to talk about the birth and breastfeeding story so far, then practice breastfeeding in several positions. Please see 'What happens at a consultation?' for more information.I offer a discount for subsequent visits. Follow up support is included via whatsapp. Please note additional travel fees may apply.

Approx. 2 - 3 hrs | £150

Pre-birth toolkit

A one to one before you give birth to focus on getting breastfeeding off to a positive start. We will cover in detail the first 24- 48 hours of life with your newborn and discuss how to handle common problems. If you are over 37 weeks we can also try collecting colostrum if you would like to.During this session we will talk through your medical history to address any conditions that could affect breastfeeding. If this is not your first baby we can discuss and debrief a previous difficult breastfeeding experience.This is usually done at your home but can be virtual if you prefer.

Approx. 2 - 2.5 hrs | £145

Bump to Breastfeeding Package

A premium package offering 3 unlimited consultations and text support.This includes the pre-birth toolkit, an initial post birth home visit a day or so after birth and a follow up home visit whenever you need it.PACKAGE-ONLY BONUS
By booking my Bump to Breastfeeding Package, you will get unlimited support from me via whatsapp from the moment you book in your pregnancy until four weeks after giving birth. This means you can text me with any pregnancy worries and for any uncertainties and advice during those early days. There is no question too silly or small!
For an additional cost extra visits can be added if you'd like and I can deliver all of your postnatal care if you would prefer this over NHS midwifery visits / clinics.

Total | £400 - 450 location dependent.

Online Consultation

Similar to a home visit, but done over Zoom. This is suitable for anyone who is not within my home visit radius or for situations that won't require face to face support such as bottle feeding concerns or weaning from the breast consultations.

Approx. 1.5 hrs | £60

About Me

I have over 10 years experience as a midwife, almost 7 of which were spent working in a busy NHS Trust as a community midwife. During this time I became passionate about postnatal care and breastfeeding support in particular. I spent a year working in the Trust’s dedicated infant feeding team, which, amongst other things, involved running a busy Complex Breastfeeding Clinic where I supported many families facing all kinds of feeding challenges. During this time I qualified as an IBCLC and I now have over 5 years of experience as an IBCLC supporting families privately.

I have a wealth of experience in the following:

  • non-latching babies

  • shallow or poor latch

  • baby slipping off the breast

  • coughing / spluttering at the breast

  • sleepy babies/baby falling asleep prematurely during feeds

  • nipple pain

  • nipple damage that won’t heal

  • painful feeds / pain after feeds

  • painful or ineffective pumping

  • combi feeding

  • bottle feeding

  • triple feeding

  • low or suspected low milk supply

  • nipple shields

  • poor weight gain/faltering growth

  • seemingly constant feeding

  • reflux or suspected reflux

  • unhappy babies

  • infrequent bowel movements

  • twins

  • debriefing after a previous traumatic breastfeeding experience

  • babies with a suspected or confirmed tongue-tie

  • poor tongue function

  • feeding post frenulotomy (tongue-tie division)

  • breastfeeding older babies and toddlers

  • introducing solids

  • setting boundaries around feeding

  • day and/or night weaning

  • biting

  • emotional support around breastfeeding a toddler or child

Contact Me

If you would like more information or to book an appointment, please send me an email using the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.You can also contact me on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger.

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